〒600-8811 京都市下京区中堂寺坊城町28番地5
TEL & FAX 075-841-2466
Imperial Palace Hotel, Seoul official site : DOORS 2010 |
アート界を飛び出して巷の話題をさらう双子姉妹作家、三尾あすかと三尾あづちの二人「あすあづ」が、この秋韓国で行われるアートフェアに参加。 Doors Art Fair's 2010 Special Exhibition, Media Art is organized in aims to provide viewers with a new way of approaching media art and to make an important platform from which young media artists will be able to advance into the art market. In the Korean art market, it is necessary to promote the trade of media art by creating media art-friendly environments for collectors and audiences so that they can be more familiarized with and truly appreciate media art just like they do with paintings and sculpture. We hope that Media Art at Doors Art Fair 2010 will be the momentum of convergence where artists, curators, collectors and the audience become free from their relative or universal standpoints on art and meet with the mash-up of the new art genre. The future does not just come. Instead, we are making it now. 会 期 : 2010年11月19日(金)~11月21日(日) 会 場 : 韓国ソウル インペリアルパレスホテル 三尾あすか&三尾あづち(平面・立体・インスタレーション) 三尾あすか&三尾あづち(合作) 「star night」2010年 / 722×606mm / ミクストメディア
neutron kyoto "FACTORY" (本社)
neutron tokyo (東京支店)
neutron kyoto (閉店 / closed)
〒604-8166 京都市中京区三条通烏丸西入る御倉町79 文椿ビルヂング2階